PInCH Medical Systems Ltd


LifeCourse is PInCH's main offering. It is an integrated personal health record that empowers people to better keep track of their well-being. Centred around a single, simple journal, LifeCourse is designed to fit people’s specialised needs for chronic conditions or stages in life, ranging from hypertension to weight management.

Empowering patients to take charge of their health and enables them to more accurately track, plan, set goals.

LifeCourse lets patients bring their healthcare records and information to their healthcare professionals to enable timely and optimum clinical care wherever and whenever patients need it. It aims to address patient data challenges within healthcare systems and reduce the burden and cost to practitioners collected data. The patient carries their LifeCourse, and can simply share it with their doctors.

LifeCourse empowers patients to manage and share their health information. By providing LifeCourse as an app, patients can keep their data on their person, entering data when it is most fresh in the mind, such as when they experienced symptoms. Immediate data entry enables more accurate information to be recorded that would otherwise be recalled within a consultation.

Patients can import data from other sources, such as wearables and health apps. Files, such as Xrays, photos, and letters can be uploaded. In response to more comprehensive data, practitioners can make more informed decisions about patient care.


Enabling healthcare professionals to complete the picture of their patients' conditions

Today’s electronic medical records seldom contain information about a patient’s condition between clinical visits. LifeCourse empowers patients to make and keep observations of their conditions in flexible, tailorable ways, enabling healthcare professionals to gain unprecedented access to a person’s longitudinal wellbeing over time. The patient enters information as they go, meaning that medical history includes information between clinical visits.

Keeping patients engaged in their care

LifeCourse lets patients define health goals. By inputting data, patients can track their progress towards these goals, thereby engaging patients in their care. Goals can include:

Target weight
Patients are reminded occasionally to weigh themselves towards a desired weight.
Blood pressure monitoring
Patients are reminded to measure blood pressure on a regular interval. Goal success represents adherence to the interval.
Anticoagulant adherence
Patients are reminded to take their anticoagulants according to their schedule. This improves patient awareness of adequate anticoagulation level on any given warfarin regimen or need for switch to NOAC.
Heart failure assessment
A questionnaire is asked on a regular interval, which comprises questions such as 'Have you been coughing at night?' (a yes could indicate fluid build up) and 'How much do you weigh?'. Escalation of symptoms or sudden increases in weight prompt suggestions to consult a doctor, with the intention of preempting readmission.

We envision LifeCourse could lead to lower mortality by enabling doctors to make more informed decisions. Costs could be lowered by preventing unnecessary tests and procedures. Moreover, by empowering patients with chronic illness to have greater engagement in disease management, we believe LifeCourse could lead reduce hospital readmissions, in turn reducing mortality and healthcare costs.

A Platform for Health Information

LifeCourse is agnostic to the kinds of information which can be managed, making it suitable for a wide variety of clinical contexts. From atrial fibrillation, to weight management, LifeCourse can help patients track data and help practitioners obtain these data.

Read about our heart failure case study

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